I feel the need to write down my feelings today, so whilst I'd love to say the pictures I chose represent the topic, they are just pictures of people laughing till they cried at weddings I did that generally make me feel uplifted.
So here we are nearly at the end of January and this ongoing pandemic has still not got any easier for anyone when it comes to their weddings. Instead of enjoying dreams of pending marital bliss, we are managing nightmares. Couples and wedding Industry suppliers and venues still continue to be hit hard and whilst we all appreciate that keeping motivated, healthy and safe is important, it does not stop us from feeling “when will this ever end”
I think it is far to say that the world will unlikely ever be the same again for sometime. Whilst the world recovers from the toxicity that we push into it on a daily basis, we will continue to face uncertainties of when these life restrictions will come to an end. Whist I try to remain positive, I do find more things frustrating me than normal. Like having nothing decent on the TV yet virgin want to increase the price by £3.50 a month. When the world is on its knees and all we have is TV for entertainment the big boys come along and take money that many just don’t have to give. It makes me want to scream!
What this pandemic has done however is make me appreciate my friends that I miss lots, or going out to a restaurant for an evening meal. I miss hugging my parents that I used to see for coffee and cake pretty much every day as they walked my dogs in the afternoon.
I don’t know about you, but are you worried that we will forget how to connect with people? Will we forget to hug and kiss our loved ones goodbye because it’s become so ingrained not to? Will we be comfortable in a room of strangers for a while?